01.30.2021Dearest Night Owls, š¤š¤š¤ We Need More Toleranceā£ļø š¤š¤š¤#Tolerance #BetterWorld #LoveNotHate #LoveTrumpsHate #NoBanNoWall Artwork by: Destiny Topolski šI made it to my night off, but just barely. I am determined to never work thirteen days in a row. I am so freaking tired right now. I can barely keep my eyes open.
Dearest Night Owls, š¤š¤š¤ We Need More Toleranceā£ļø š¤š¤š¤#Tolerance #BetterWorld #LoveNotHate #LoveTrumpsHate #NoBanNoWall Artwork by: Destiny Topolski šI made it to my night off, but just barely. I am determined to never work thirteen days in a row. I am so freaking tired right now. I can barely keep my eyes open.