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Dearest Night Owls,

Happy Groundhog Day❣️ The results are in for Groundhog Day 2021: Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, which means that there will be six more weeks of winter.

The greatest part of my day was when I went into work, last night, and was pleasantly surprised by mail that was left for me from a co-worker from another facility:

I was very pleasantly surprised to see that interoffice mail in that tall yellow-ish envelope waiting for me. I was kind of expecting something from another department, but not from an actual co-worker.

Tonight, after I woke up, I was surprised by another gift waiting for me....

✨🍫💛 I woke up to a surprise package waiting for me. The return address was from @Godiva, which was weird because I didn’t order anything from Godiva. Boy, was I surprised when I saw the card attached to the box❣️ I don’t know what I did to deserve this from @VictoriasSecret, but I am super honored and grateful❣️ I You, @VictoriasSecret❣️ 💛🍫✨ #Thankful #Love #VictoriasSecret #Godiva #Surprise #SpreadTheLove

Photo by: @DestinyTopolski 💋

I definitely was not expecting anything from anyone. You know what? I am so thankful for these surprises because I have been feeling so depressed and stressed out. It is the moments like this one that really make me feel appreciated and loved. This is what we should be doing for those around us. Find a way to show someone that you care and value them. I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but the message needs to be repeated. This world has way too much negativity, and desperately needs more positivity.

What is on the agenda tonight? I am still kind of half-asleep right now. I am sitting in my living room and the television is on in the background. I can see my Precious baby girl laying down, directly in front of the fireplace. She really loves the fireplace, and the fire warming her soft belly. In this moment, right now, I am calm and so very grateful.

I hope you all are having an amazing Tuesday night. May peace and love surround you all❣️


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