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Back To Work

Dearest Night Owls,

Welcome to the start of a new week. After the celebration of Independence Day, it is time to go back to the work week routine. I am anxious about going back to work. I am a whole week behind in my documentation, and that is on top of the other work that I still need to do. Honestly, I don't fully understand how I could get so behind. During any given night, at work, something comes up that distracts me from the documentation aspect of work. It isn't just one thing, but so many little things that adds up and takes me away from completing my paperwork.

Today has been a pretty routine day for me. I did do something different, which should not be considered different. This morning, I was determined to complete a workout on the treadmill. I seriously need to prepare for the upcoming Hood To Coast Windy River Relay. I should have been preparing for months now, but I have not. The lack of preparedness really showed because I was entirely exhausted and sweaty after only 70 minutes. After the workout, I nearly passed out on the couch. I plan on doing another workout session tomorrow.

I need to get serious about increasing my exercise regimen if I am going to be covering major miles during the Hood To Coast events this month and next month. Not only am I participating in the Windy River Relay but I am also participating in the two-day Hood To Coast Relay.


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