Ah! Welcome to the last day of June 2021 and COVID-19 state mandates on wearing masks/social distancing. Today, the weather was dramatically cooler and overcast. After the harsh heatwave that we had, it is so great to end the month on a more weather bearable note. I wish that I could say the same for my night at work. Last night, I had a very bad night at work. I am feeling so overwhelmed right now, and my stress level is deeply effecting my mental health.
Let me just say that there is too much documentation that needs to be done, and I don't have enough time to get it all done. The nighttime hours can become just as an active time for my clients than the daytime hours. While the clients are in the common areas, I am on alert to make sure that they know that I am available. Client needs come first, which means documentation and uploading documents into electronic charts no longer have my attention. I try, so hard, to do both. More often than not, I find myself only able to do one or the other. I want to be the kind of person that my clients can trust, and know that I genuinely care because I really do care. Unfortunately, tonight was one of those nights where I was not feeling my best and it showed in my ability to get through the night, I try to not allow my personal physical health issues leak out when I am trying to be a professional in front of the clients. That's the dream, but I was not able to hold back all of the overwhelming stress that I was experiencing. I definitely strive to keep myself in check, especially in front of clients, I really do. I didn't lash out or say anything hurtful toward a client. I just found myself becoming unavailable to meet all of the needs of the clients because more than one client needed my attention at the same time and I couldn't be available to all of them. Being the only staff member available to multiple clients has some challenging moments.
I am really looking forward to a new month. In summary, June wasn't a terrible month. I just know that I am longing to do more, and I look forward to the opportunity to work on myself more during this new month. I want to challenge myself to be a better person than I was during this month.