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Girl Power

Dearest Night Owls,

Precious | Photo by: Destiny Topolski 💋

Sunday has officially come and is almost gone. Sadly, the weekend is coming to a close. I am already mentally preparing myself for the week to come.

Today was definitely a busy day for me. I have been awake since 05:00 AM, and I have completed all of my tasks and met my goals for the day.

My dear cat, Precious, had a vet appointment. Since the start of the pandemic, owners of pets weren't allowed to go into the building and stay in an exam room with the pet and veterinarian. We would need to call, while parked in the parking lot. A veterinary technician would come out of the building to collect the animal and take it inside for the exam. The veterinarian would complete the initial exam, and then contact the owners on the phone to provide feedback. After the exam, the veterinary technician would come back out of the building to bring the pets to the owners.

Today, I was able to go inside the building. I was able to be in the exam room and observe the veterinarian complete the exam on my Precious cat. Evan also came to the appointment, but the clinic only allowed one owner to be in the room with the animal and the veterinarian. I was going to be the one to go inside because she is my baby girl, and I was the one to schedule this appointment with a new doctor. I wanted to make sure that Precious was going to be okay. Precious appeared very anxious and uncomfortable. Regardless of having anxiety, Precious remained brave throughout the whole ordeal. I am so proud of my Precious gem. Precious is seemingly healthy and is now up-to-date on all of her injections.

After arriving back home, Evan took Precious inside of the house so she could rest. While pulling up the the driveway, I noticed a certain neighbor was outside of their house and working on their front yard. I took the opportunity to go over to his house and talk to him. The neighbor to whom I am referring is name Ryan. I spoke with him, once before, when he stepped outside of his house to check on the scene of an accident that I had contacted emergency services on. I was already outside of my house to observe the emergency responders at work. We talked for a while, while the emergency responders were assisting in the accident. He seemed really nice and someone that I personally would like to get to know. I suggested exchanging phone numbers, since we were neighbors, but neither of us had our phones available to exchange numbers. Fast forward to today, I went over to his house to say hi and give him my phone number. While I was at his house, we ended up talking for a good 20-30 minutes before even exchanging numbers. Ryan knows a great deal about landscaping, so I asked him several questions about how he made his yard look so amazing. Ryan did all of his own landscaping, which makes me envious. I don't know the first thing about landscaping. Ryan showed me some of the piping that he uses to irrigate his yard, and even allowed me to look at his side and backyard. His yard looks so much better than mine, and he did all of his own work on his yard.

I stepped out of my comfort zone by even going over to Ryan's house. I put myself out there, in an attempt to be neighborly and express my interest in getting to know a new person. The last time that I attempted to put myself out there with someone that I desired to have a personal relationship turned out so horribly that I honestly thought that I wouldn't be able to do it ever again. I am still deeply hurt and scarred by that experience, and I feel like I will not be able to fully recover. For all I know, Ryan is just going to end up being another person that isn't going to be a friend to me. I am already feeling like he was just being friendly because he's a neighbor, but that is going to be the extent of it. I keep trying to put myself out there, and I end up a failure. If I am such a "great person" than how is it that I am unable to make friends with other people? I am already assuming this because I sent Ryan a text message and I have yet to receive a response. Who the hell knows as to why this has happened? Well, only he knows and God above. I am so deeply affected by what the last person did that I immediately think that this guy is exactly the same as the last guy. Maybe he is, but maybe there is something else happening. Even if Ryan turns out to be exactly like the last guy, I should be damn proud of myself for even attempting to make a new friend.

Later in the day, I went to a movie theater (Regal Evergreen Parkway Theater) to watch my first return back into the movie theater since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The movie was, of course, Marvel's Black Widow. It was the best movie to watch, as a return to the movie theater. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves powerful women and watching a lot of action.


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