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Thankful For Fridays

Reflections \ Photo by: @DestinyTopolski 💋

Dearest Night Owls,

Today, I am so very thankful that it's my Friday. The last couple of days really truly took a hit on my mental health for various reasons. This week hasn't been all stressful and negative. I really enjoyed watching most of the lunar eclipse, you know, when the clouds weren't covering the majority of the event. Despite the clouds, I am so grateful that I was able to observe such an event.

Screenshot of my laptop, during the live stream, from the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, CA (

The total lunar eclipse was definitely the highlight of my week. Well, that and having that great conversation with Josh. It's always so fantastic being able to talk with Josh. This morning, I did accomplish my goal of contacting my dad. I wish that I could say that I had a close relationship with my dad, but I really don't. I can say that I have a closer relationship with him than my mom, only because I will never speak to my mother again. It's a long, traumatic history and I don't have enough time to go into it right now. Also, I want to try and end this week on a more positive tone.

Today, I woke up twice. Again, pretty much at the same times as the last two days. I don't know why this is, but I would like it to stop. Oddly, I didn't wake myself up the first time. My cat, Chester, woke me up by banging the blinds against my bedroom window. Chester will become so demanding once he decides that he wants to sunbathe in the windowsill. It is completely pointless trying to talk Chester out of banging the blinds against the window. After a few minutes of hearing the sounds of blinds knocking against the glass on the window, I rolled out of bed and opened the blinds. Chester immediately stretched out on the windowsill and allowed the sunlight to wash over his beautiful face.

I was able to eventually fall back asleep. The second time, I did end up waking myself up after 05:30 PM. Funny story, I didn't realize this until I lifted my eye mask off of my eyes, I found that I was lying completely horizontal across my mattress. That was definitely a first for me. It felt weird when I was moving my head, in search of my pillow, and I could only feel mattress on the back of my head. Once I realized that my head was close to the edge of the side of my mattress, I lifted my eye mask and was shocked that I somehow managed to move my whole body in a completely horizontal position while I was asleep.

After re-positioning myself back vertically onto my mattress, I remained in bed until 06:00 PM. The rest of the night has been pretty much routine. I ate dinner, watched the newest episode of Mythic Quest, and then watched an episode of Chopped on Hulu. I just finished eating dessert, while watching some episodes of Parks and Recreation. I am a huge fan of Leslie Knope, the character, performed by Amy Poehler.

Moral of the story pertaining to my day is that I am so exhausted and ready for the weekend!


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